Education | Experience | Research | Teaching | Awards

  Syracuse University

Whitman School of Management
721 University Avenue
Syracuse, New York 13244
Phone: (315) 443-3502
Fax: (315) 443-9517

Ph.D. Information Systems, Carnegie Mellon University, 2000
M.S. Information Systems, Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
MBA Ohio University, 1993
M.S. Statistics and Probability, Michigan State University , 1976
B.S. Mathematics, Michigan State University, 1974
EXPERIENCE (very detailed resume available)
2003-Present Syracuse University, Whitman School of Management
  • Associate Dean for Masters Programs (2011-present)
  • Associate Professor, Management Information Systems (2011-present)
  • Assistant Professor, Management Information Systems (2003-2010)
Research: software project management
Teaching: information systems, project management, electronic commerce

1999-2003 University of Michigan Business School
  • Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Systems (2000-2003)
  • Director, Information Systems Executive Forum (1999-2001)
  • Lecturer, Computer and Information Systems (1999-2000)
Research: software project management, electronic commerce
Teaching: information systems, electronic commerce

1994-1999 Carnegie Mellon University
  • Teaching Fellow, Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence (1998-1999)
  • Instructor, Information Systems (1996-1998)
  • Doctoral Candidate, Graduate School of Industrial Administration (1994-1999)
Research: software project management, artificial intelligence
Teaching: information systems, telecommunications, executive communications

1990-1994 BDM International, Regional Technology Center General Manager, Dayton, Ohio
  • Senior Vice President & General Manager, Systems Integration (1993-94)
  • Senior Vice President, Information Systems (1992)
  • Vice President, Operations and Business Development (1990-91)
  1. Managed regional operations of 295 personnel
    • 187 software and hardware engineers
    • 90 software support staff in CM, QA, Computer Operations, etc.
    • 18 indirect staff in facilities, HR, publications, marketing, security, etc.
  2. Responsible for $600 million in software development and hardware/software integration projects
    • $362 million data center modernization
    • $238 million software development
    • $5 million real-time flight control software
  3. Improved financial position of regional technology center
    • Increased annual sales from $22 million in 1990 to $67 in 1993
    • Increased profit from $2 million in 1990 to $5 million in 1993
    • Reduced indirect costs by 40% from 1990 to 1993
  4. Recognized for quality and customer satisfaction
    • Air Force Award for Excellence - 1991
    • Hewlett-Packard & Ford Motor Company "Best-in-Class" in Information Technology - 1991
1986-1990 BDM International, Chief Engineer, Requirements Data Bank, Dayton, Ohio
  • Vice President, Software Engineering (1987-90)
  • Executive Director, Logistics Data Systems (1986-87)
  1. Chief engineer for $238 million software development of requirements determination system (MRP). Responsible for software, hardware, and telecommunications.
    • Improved software development maturity from Software Engineering Institute's (SEI) CMM level 1 to level 3 from 1986 to 1989
    • Reduced software error rates by 75% from 1986 to 1989
    • Increased software development productivity by 30% from 1986 to 1989
  2. Also directed several strategic re-engineering and reverse engineering efforts.
1977-1986 BDM International, Corporate Headquarters, McLean, VA
  • Director, Network Systems, International Division (1985-86)
  • Director, Modeling and Simulation (1984-85)
  • Manager, Modeling Analysis (1980-84)
  • Associate Manager, Distribution Systems (1979-80)
  • Technical Staff, Modeling and Simulation (1977-78)
  1. Directed the simulation and design validation of the Saudi air traffic control and air defense system (1985-1986) including software, hardware and telecommunications architecture
  2. Directed logistics programs including the development of a European logistics DBMS and simulation analysis system (1983-84), a portable PC-based distributed inventory management system (1983), and a European - Mideast - Asian transportation data base and on-line DBMS (1980-82)
  3. Designed a European pipeline simulation (1978-79) and developed other transportation, inventory and manufacturing simulation models (1977-78)

  1. "Does Software Process Improvement Reduce the Severity of Defects? A Longitudinal Field Study"
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, forthcoming 2011
    Donald E. Harter, Chris F. Kemerer, Sandra A. Slaughter

  2. "Impact of Budget and Schedule Pressure on Software Development Cycle Time and Effort"
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 35(5) 624-637, 2009
    Ning Nan, Donald E. Harter

  3. "Quality Improvement and Infrastructure Activity Costs in Software Development: A Longitudinal Analysis"
    Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 49(2) 221, 2004
    Reprinted with permission from Management Science
    Donald E. Harter, Sandra A. Slaughter

  4. "Quality Improvement and Infrastructure Activity Costs in Software Development: A Longitudinal Analysis,"
    Management Science, 49(6) 784-800, June 2003
    Donald E. Harter, Sandra A. Slaughter

  5. "Cognitive Support for Real-Time Dynamic Decision-Making"
    Information Systems Research (ISR), 12(1) 63-82, March 2001
    F. Javier Lerch, Donald E. Harter

  6. "Effects of Process Maturity on Quality, Cycle Time, and Effort in Software Product Development"
    Management Science, 46(4) 451-466, April 2000
    Donald E. Harter, Mayuram S. Krishnan, Sandra A. Slaughter

  7. "Evaluating the Cost of Software Quality"
    Engineering Management Review, 26(4) 32-37, Winter 1998
    Reprinted with permission from ACM
    Sandra A. Slaughter, Donald E. Harter, Mayuram S. Krishnan

  8. "Evaluating the Cost of Software Quality"
    Communications of the ACM, 41(8) 67-73, August 1998
    Sandra A. Slaughter, Donald E. Harter, Mayuram S. Krishnan

  9. "Using Simulation-based Experiments for Software Requirements Engineering"
    Annals of Software Engineering, 3 345-366, September 1997
    F. Javier Lerch, Deborah Ballou, Donald E. Harter

  1. “Contracting and Performance Outcomes in Software Development Outsourcing: A Field Study,”
    INFORMS, November 2006
    Sandra Slaughter, Donald E. Harter, Soon Ang, Jonathan Whitaker

  2. “Process Transformation and Human Capital in IS Development: Complements or Substitutes?”
    Academy of Management, August 2006
    Sandra Slaughter, Donald E. Harter, Soon Ang

  3. "Impact of Schedule and Budget Pressure on Software Development: A Behavioral Perspective,"
    Academy of Management, August 2005
    Nan Ning, Donald E. Harter, Tara Thomas

  4. "Contract Choice and its Effects on Software Quality in IT Outsourcing: An Empirical Study,"
    Academy of Management, August 2004
    Sandra A. Slaughter, Soon Ang, Donald E. Harter, Jonathan Whitaker

  5. "The Impact of Schedule Pressure on Software Development: A Behavioral Perspective,"
    International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 2003
    Nan Ning, Donald E. Harter, Tara Thomas

  6. "Human Capital and Process Transformation in IT Systems Development: Complements or Substitutes?"
    Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), December 2003
    Sandra A. Slaughter, Donald E. Harter, Soon Ang

  7. "Changing Employment Relationships and Work Systems in IT: A Longitudinal Study of the Dynamics of Changes in IT Work Systems,"
    Academy of Management, August 2003
    Sandra A. Slaughter, Donald E. Harter, Soon Ang

  8. "Economic Impact of Customer Involvement and Process Innovations on Software Development,"
    Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), December 2002
    Ramanath Subramanyam, M.S. Krishnan, Donald E. Harter

  9. "A Longitudinal Study of Software Quality Improvement and Information Technology Infrastructure Costs,"
    Academy of Management, August 2002
    Sandra A. Slaughter, Donald E. Harter

  10. "Process Maturity and Software Quality: A Field Study"
    International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 2000
    Donald E. Harter, Sandra A. Slaughter

  11. "The Life Cycle Effects of Software Process Improvement: A Longitudinal Analysis"
    International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 1998
    Donald E. Harter, Sandra A. Slaughter, Mayuram S. Krishnan

  12. "Benefits of CMM-Based Process Improvements for Support Activities: An Empirical Study"
    Association for Information Systems, Software Process Improvement Track, August 1998
    Donald E. Harter, Sandra A. Slaughter, Mayuram S. Krishnan

  13. "Time Pressure in Real-Time Dynamic Decision Making"
    Association for Information Systems, Decision Making Under Time Pressure Track, August 1998
    F. Javier Lerch, Donald E. Harter, Cleotilde Gonzalez

  14. "Individual Differences in Real-Time Dynamic Decision Making"
    Naturalistic Decision Making, May 1998
    F. Javier Lerch, Donald E. Harter, Cleotilde Gonzalez

  15. "The Cost of Quality in Software Development: An Empirical Analysis"
    Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), December 1997
    Donald E. Harter, Mayuram S. Krishnan, Sandra A. Slaughter

  16. "Information Engineering"
    13th National Computer Conference, Saudi Computer Society, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, November 1992
    Donald E. Harter

  17. "Organizing and Managing Large Scale Software Development Projects"
    Visions of the Year 2000: A Strategic Software Perspective, Fourth International Conference on Strategic Software Systems, March 1992
    Mark C. Filteau, Donald E. Harter

  18. "Software Quality, Test and Validation"
    Air Force Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Midwest Conference, July 1990
    Donald E. Harter

  19. "Use of DAMSEL Data Base for Routing Analysis"
    Twentieth Annual US Army Operations Research Symposium (AORS XX), October 1981
    Donald E. Harter

TEACHING (course descriptions, instructor evaluations, teaching portfolio available)
Training other instructors
Carnegie Mellon University:
  1. National Science Foundation Engineering Education Scholars Program - 1998, 1999
  2. Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Teaching Assistant Training - 1998
Graduate and Executive Education
Syracuse University:
  1. BUA 990 Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods, 2 semesters (Instructor)
  2. MIS 930 Doctoral Seminar in Information Systems, 1 semester (Instructor)
  3. SCM 656/MIS 600 Project Management, 13 semesters (Instructor)
  4. MBC 634/600 Intro to IT & E-Commerce, 6 semesters (Instructor)
  5. MBC 606 IT for Decision Support, 2 semester (Instructor)
  6. Executive Education: Project Management, 1 session (Instructo)
  7. Executive Education: Enterprise Resource Planning, 1 session (Instructor)
University of Michigan:
  1. CIS 897 Doctoral Seminar in Information Systems, 2 semesters (Instructor)
  2. EMBA 612 Leveraging Information Technology, 2 semesters (Instructor)
  3. CIS 518 Electronic Commerce, 3 semesters (Instructor)
  4. CIS 551 Information Systems, 5 semesters (Instructor)
  5. CIS 552 Information Systems, 2 semesters (Instructor)
  6. Executive Education: Electronic Commerce, 3 sessions (Instructor)
Carnegie Mellon University:
  1. Executive Education: Information Technology Analysis, 1 course (Co-instructor)
  2. Graduate Summer Institute: Computer Skills Workshop, 4 summers (Instructor)
  3. 45-963 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, 1 semester (TA & Guest Lecturer)
  4. 45-870 Strategic Management of Info Systems, 1 semester (TA & Guest Lecturer)
  5. 45-950 Executive Communications skills, 4 semesters (TA & Guest Lecturer)
  6. 45-795 Oral Management Communications, 2 semesters (TA & Guest Lecturer)
  7. 45-870 Management of Information Systems, 3 semesters (TA)
  8. 45-941 Information Systems Modeling [Database, DBMS], 3 semesters (TA)
  9. 45-913 Program Trading [Computerized Stock Trading], 3 semesters (TA)
  10. 45-872 Information Resource Management [Database,DBMS], 1 semester (TA)
  11. 45-781 Management Game, 1 semester (Course Assistant)
Syracuse University
  1. IST/MIS 365 Business Value of IT, 4 semesters (Instructor)
  2. IST/MIS 375 Management of IT Contracting, 1 semester (Instructor)
  3. MIS 400 Project Management, 1 semester (Instructor)
  4. SOM 123 Introduction to Information Systems, 3 semesters (Instructor)
University of Michigan
  1. CIS 301 Information Systems, 1 semester (Instructor)
Carnegie Mellon University
  1. 70-456 Telecommunications & Network Management, 1 semester (Instructor)
  2. 70-451 Management Information Systems, 3 semesters (Instructor)
  3. 70-451 Management Information Systems, 4 semesters (Recitation Instructor)
  4. 70-440 Strategic Management, 1 semester (Teaching Assistant)
Michigan State University
  1. STT-311 Statistics and Probability, 3 quarters (10 sections) (Recitation Instructor)
  1. Whitman Graduate Faculty of the Year - 2011 - voted by graduate students
  2. Whitman Teaching Fellow - 2008-2010 - selected by faculty
  3. Whitman Defense Comptrollership Graduation Marshall selection - 2005 - 2nd in voting for faculty of the year
  4. Whitman Graduate Graduation Marshall - 2005 - 2nd in voting for faculty of the year
  5. Faculty Recognition Award for Outstanding Research Mentorship - Honorable Mention, University of Michigan - 2003
  6. Teaching Fellow, Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, Carnegie Mellon - 1998-99
  7. Business Administration Undergraduate Teaching Award, Carnegie Mellon - 1998
  8. University Graduate Teaching Award Honorable Mention, Carnegie Mellon - 1998
  9. ICIS Doctoral Consortium, Helsinki, Finland - 1998
  10. HCI Consortium Fellowship, Fraser, Colorado - 1996
  11. William Larimer Mellon Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University - 1994-97
  12. Air Force Award for Excellence (Requirements Data Bank program) - 1991
  13. Hewlett-Packard/Ford Motor Company "Best-in-Class" in Information Technology - 1991
  1. Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2009
  2. Program Committee, INFORMS, 2005
  3. Co-Chair, Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), 2001
  4. PhD Area Coordinator, Computer and Information Systems, University of Michigan, 2000-2001
  5. Director, Information Systems Executive Forum (ISEF), University of Michigan, 1999-2001
  6. Local Co-Chair, Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), 1999
  7. Board of Directors, Ohio Computer Technology Center (OCTC) - 1991-1993
  8. Chairman for Technology Transfer, Ohio Computer Technology Center - 1991-1993
  1. Doctoral dissertation committee
    Applications of search theory in finance (title to be determined)
    Hongyu Song
    Dissertation proposal scheduled for 2011

  2. Doctoral dissertation committee
    The impact of power on strategic decision-making outcomes of boards of directors and CEOs (title to be determined)
    Mariana Lebron
    Dissertation proposal scheduled for 2011

  3. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “Recruiter Attributes and Their Impact upon Undergraduate Applicant Attraction to Retail Organizations on the College Campus: Do the Recruiters and the Applicants See Eye to Eye and Could the Attraction Process be Improved?”
    Amanda Nicholson, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, 2011 (scheduled)

  4. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “An Examination of Project-Level R&D Sourcing Decisions, Contractual Complexity and the Functions of an R&D Contract”
    Jason Pattit, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, 2011 (scheduled)

  5. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “Corporate governance, under-pricing and stock liquidity in IPO firms”
    Palash Deb, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, 2011

  6. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “An Examination of the Relationship between Large Shareholders and Commitment Human Resource Systems”
    Frank Mullins, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, 2011

  7. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “Leadership Behaviors and Perception in Self-Managing Virtual Teams,”
    Ugur Yeliz Eseryel, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, 2010

  8. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “Workaholic tendencies and expansion and contraction oriented job crafting: The moderating effects of several individual and social factors”
    Greg Laurence, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, 2010

  9. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “IT-Related Operational Risk: An Empirical Study”
    James Goldstein, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, 2009

  10. Masters dissertation committee (administrative graduate chair):
    "Safety Concerns in MRI"
    Mugdha Thakur, L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University, 2008

  11. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “Alone Together: A socio-technical theory of motivation, coordination and collaboration technologies in organizing for free and open source software development”
    James Howison, School of Information Studies, 2008

  12. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “Measurement of IT Investments: A Multi-factor Model and its Operationalization”
    Ajit Appari, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, 2008

  13. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “Antecedents and Performance Outcomes of Onshore and Offshore Business Process Outsourcing”
    Jonathan Whitaker, University of Michigan Business School, 2007

  14. Doctoral dissertation committee
    “Theorizing Strategic IT Compensation Decisions: Coping with Uncertainty in Organizations by IT Compensation”
    Chingning Wang, School of Information Studies, 2007

  15. Doctoral dissertation committee (administrative graduate chair):
    "As You Like I.T.: Occupational Culture and Commitment of New Information Technologists"
    Indira Guzman De Galvez, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, 2006

  16. Doctoral dissertation committee (administrative graduate chair):
    “Collective Learning in Distributed Groups: The Case of Open Source Software”
    Hala Annabi, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, 2005

  17. Doctoral/Undergraduate research:
    "The Impact of Schedule Pressure on Software Development: A Behavioral Perspective"
    Nan Ning (doctoral candidate), Tara Thomas (Undergraduate), University of Michigan Business School, 2003.

  18. Doctoral dissertation committee:
    "The Role of Metrics and customer Involvement in Software Development"
    Ramanath Subramanyam, University of Michigan Business School, 2003.

  19. Doctoral dissertation committee:
    "Lifecycle Software Maintenance and Evolutionary Patterns: A Longitudinal Analysis"
    Evelyn J. Barry, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001.

  20. Reader, Master's thesis:
    "The Effects of Training Strategies and Human Working Memory in Dynamic Multi-task Environments"
    Seung Man Lee, Information Networking Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1998.

Last update: August 21, 2011 by deh