Published | In Review | Working Papers

  1. "Does Software Process Improvement Reduce the Severity of Defects? A Longitudinal Field Study"
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, forthcoming 2011
    Donald E. Harter, Chris F. Kemerer, Sandra A. Slaughter

  2. "Impact of Budget and Schedule Pressure on Software Development Cycle Time and Effort"
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 35(5) 624-637, 2009
    Ning Nan, Donald E. Harter

  3. "Quality Improvement and Infrastructure Activity Costs in Software Development: A Longitudinal Analysis"
    Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 49(2) 221, 2004
    Reprinted with permission from Management Science
    Donald E. Harter, Sandra A. Slaughter

  4. "Quality Improvement and Infrastructure Activity Costs in Software Development: A Longitudinal Analysis,"
    Management Science, 49(6) 784-800, June 2003
    Donald E. Harter, Sandra A. Slaughter

  5. "Cognitive Support for Real-Time Dynamic Decision-Making"
    Information Systems Research (ISR), 12(1) 63-82, March 2001
    F. Javier Lerch, Donald E. Harter

  6. "Effects of Process Maturity on Quality, Cycle Time, and Effort in Software Product Development"
    Management Science, 46(4) 451-466, April 2000
    Donald E. Harter, Mayuram S. Krishnan, Sandra A. Slaughter

  7. "Evaluating the Cost of Software Quality"
    Engineering Management Review, 26(4) 32-37, Winter 1998
    Reprinted with permission from ACM
    Sandra A. Slaughter, Donald E. Harter, Mayuram S. Krishnan

  8. "Evaluating the Cost of Software Quality"
    Communications of the ACM, 41(8) 67-73, August 1998
    Sandra A. Slaughter, Donald E. Harter, Mayuram S. Krishnan

  9. "Using Simulation-based Experiments for Software Requirements Engineering"
    Annals of Software Engineering, 3 345-366, September 1997
    F. Javier Lerch, Deborah Ballou, Donald E. Harter

  1. "Heuristic Fit: A Statistic for Measuring Strategy Development"
    Donald E. Harter, December 1995
  2. "Strategies, Complexity and Learning in a Dynamic Decision Making Environment: Human-Computer Interaction in Dynamic Decision Making"
    Donald E. Harter, December 1995
  3. "Heuristic Learning: Strategy Development in Complex Tasks"
    Donald E. Harter, December 1996

Last update: February 5, 2011 by deh