Published |
In Review |
Working Papers
- "Does Software Process Improvement Reduce the Severity of Defects?
A Longitudinal Field Study"
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, forthcoming 2011
Donald E. Harter, Chris F. Kemerer, Sandra A. Slaughter
- "Impact of Budget and Schedule Pressure on Software Development Cycle Time and Effort"
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 35(5) 624-637, 2009
Ning Nan, Donald E. Harter
- "Quality Improvement and Infrastructure Activity Costs in
Software Development: A Longitudinal Analysis"
Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 49(2) 221, 2004
Reprinted with permission from Management Science
Donald E. Harter, Sandra A. Slaughter
- "Quality Improvement and Infrastructure Activity Costs in Software
Development: A Longitudinal Analysis,"
Management Science, 49(6) 784-800, June 2003
Donald E. Harter, Sandra A. Slaughter
- "Cognitive Support for Real-Time Dynamic Decision-Making"
Information Systems Research (ISR), 12(1) 63-82, March 2001
F. Javier Lerch, Donald E. Harter
- "Effects of Process Maturity on Quality, Cycle Time,
and Effort in Software Product Development"
Management Science, 46(4) 451-466, April 2000
Donald E. Harter, Mayuram S. Krishnan, Sandra A. Slaughter
- "Evaluating the Cost of Software Quality"
Engineering Management Review, 26(4) 32-37, Winter 1998
Reprinted with permission from ACM
Sandra A. Slaughter, Donald E. Harter, Mayuram S. Krishnan
- "Evaluating the Cost of Software Quality"
Communications of the ACM, 41(8) 67-73, August 1998
Sandra A. Slaughter, Donald E. Harter, Mayuram S. Krishnan
- "Using Simulation-based Experiments for Software Requirements
Annals of Software Engineering, 3 345-366, September 1997
F. Javier Lerch, Deborah Ballou, Donald E. Harter
- "Heuristic Fit: A Statistic for Measuring Strategy
- Donald E. Harter, December 1995
- "Strategies, Complexity and Learning in a
Dynamic Decision Making Environment: Human-Computer
Interaction in Dynamic Decision Making"
- Donald E. Harter, December 1995
- "Heuristic Learning: Strategy Development in
Complex Tasks"
- Donald E. Harter, December 1996
Last update: February 5, 2011 by deh