
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Neural Networks

Carnegie Mellon

  • Department of Computer Science
  • CMU AI repository
  • Center for Automated Learning and Discovery
  • The Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC)
  • Center for Machine Translation
  • Intelligent Agents - CMU
  • Robotics Institute
  • Seminars

  • Carnegie Mellon AI Seminars
  • Center for Automated Learning and Discovery Seminars
  • Carnegie Mellon Reinforcement Learning Seminars
  • Robotics Institute Seminars
  • Faculty

  • Tom Mitchell
  • Dave Touretzky
  • Manuela Veloso
  • Scott Fahlman
  • Jay McClelland
  • David Plaut
  • Jaime Carbonell
  • Herb Simon
  • Dean Pomerleau
  • Sebastian Thrun
  • Graduate Students

  • Peter Stone
  • Astro Teller

  • MIT

  • MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab
  • MIT Agents Group
  • Faculty

  • Marvin Minsky

  • Berkeley

  • AI on the Web

  • Univ of Michigan

  • U Mich AI Laboratory

  • Univ of Illinois

  • Artificial Neural Networks and Computational Brain Theory Group

  • AI-related journals and organizations:

  • American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
  • The Journal of AI Research (JAIR)
  • International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
  • Machine Learning Online
  • Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)
  • IEEE Neural Networks
  • SIGART Resources Page
  • OFAI Artificial Intelligence Bibliography
  • AI Magazine
  • NSF Learning & Intelligent Systems
  • The Agent Society
  • Genetic Programming Notebook

  • Last update: March 27, 2000 by deh