Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Neural Networks
Carnegie Mellon
Department of Computer Science
CMU AI repository
Center for Automated Learning and Discovery
The Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC)
Center for Machine Translation
Intelligent Agents - CMU
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon AI Seminars
Center for Automated Learning and Discovery Seminars
Carnegie Mellon Reinforcement Learning Seminars
Robotics Institute Seminars
Tom Mitchell
Dave Touretzky
Manuela Veloso
Scott Fahlman
Jay McClelland
David Plaut
Jaime Carbonell
Herb Simon
Dean Pomerleau
Sebastian Thrun
Graduate Students
Peter Stone
Astro Teller
MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab
MIT Agents Group
Marvin Minsky
AI on the Web
Univ of Michigan
U Mich AI Laboratory
Univ of Illinois
Artificial Neural Networks and Computational Brain Theory Group
AI-related journals and organizations:
American Association for Artificial Intelligence
The Journal of AI Research
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning Online
Neural Information Processing Systems
IEEE Neural Networks
SIGART Resources Page
OFAI Artificial Intelligence Bibliography
AI Magazine
NSF Learning & Intelligent Systems
The Agent Society
Genetic Programming Notebook
Last update: March 27, 2000 by deh